2009-09-04 12:26:43 UTC
I have tried to make the NDK-example application "HelloJni" be a
system application by the following steps:
1. generate the HelloJni.apk by Eclipse.
2. put HelloJni.apk into the directory /mydroid/out/target/product/
3. cd /mydroid/; make snod
4. I get the "system.img" from /mydroid/out/target/product/generic/
5. Run the android emulator with the "system.img"
and its sub-directory:
However, the .so file "" didn't exist in "/data/data/
com.example.hellojni/lib/" or "/system/lib/"!!
And then, I get the "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError" exception...
"" should be automatically copied to "/data/data/
com.example.hellojni/lib/" by android OS, isn't it?
(If I use "adb install HelloJni.apk" or put "" into "/
data/data/com.example.hellojni/lib/" mamually, the application runs
smoothly! )
My problem is that why the .so file "" didn't be copied
into "/data/data/com.example.hellojni/lib" automatically while
HelloJni.apk as a system application??
Does anyone know why?
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system application by the following steps:
1. generate the HelloJni.apk by Eclipse.
2. put HelloJni.apk into the directory /mydroid/out/target/product/
3. cd /mydroid/; make snod
4. I get the "system.img" from /mydroid/out/target/product/generic/
5. Run the android emulator with the "system.img"
From File Explorer in DDMS, I can see the file/directories
and its sub-directory:
However, the .so file "" didn't exist in "/data/data/
com.example.hellojni/lib/" or "/system/lib/"!!
And then, I get the "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError" exception...
"" should be automatically copied to "/data/data/
com.example.hellojni/lib/" by android OS, isn't it?
(If I use "adb install HelloJni.apk" or put "" into "/
data/data/com.example.hellojni/lib/" mamually, the application runs
smoothly! )
My problem is that why the .so file "" didn't be copied
into "/data/data/com.example.hellojni/lib" automatically while
HelloJni.apk as a system application??
Does anyone know why?
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